Skeabost House Hotel Golf Course


Skeabost House Hotel Golf Course - Autumn looking over the golf corrse at the Skeabost House Hotel at the edge of the mirrored river Snizort, Isle of Skye, Scotland

EXIF Metadata 
Location :-Skeabost House Hotel Golf Course
How to get here :- Turn off A87 onto A850 hotel off the A850
GPS position :-57°27'18.0"N 6°18'53.0"W
Google Maps :-FM3P+X4 Portree, United Kingdom
Where to park :-Parking at roadside
What to shoot :-View across golf course and River Snizort looking west
When to shoot :-Sunrise
Camera :-Canon 1Ds III
Lens :-Canon EF 24-105mm f4 IS USM @ 58mm
ISO :- 600
"f" stop :-f4
Shutter Speed :- 1/60 sec
Tripod :-N/A (Handheld)
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